
Building Beer Brand in Mindspace

Carlsberg  Heineken  1664
With thousands years development, beer market has been mature. These three brands we choose are also have got a great success worldwide or regionally. It is very meaningful to analyse how these three brands influence the emotion of consumers.

Risk Reduction
Brand Awareness
Comparing these three brands, Carlsberg and Heineken are more international than 1664. Carlsberg and Heineken are two of the most popular beer brands throughout the world. Consumers can easily find both of these two beer brands in the supermarkets or shops wherever they are. So the brand awareness for Carlsberg and Heineken is very successful.

Concerning 1664 owning a much better market share in France, even though for a foreign student as me have nearly no idea about this brand before I went to France, we have to say 1664 also doing quite well in brand awareness, especially in France.

Perception of Quality
This element is a very basic one for the beer market. Because of the characteristic of beer, which is a beverage, safety and health are the first thing the beer producer should ensure.

Furthermore, almost all of the beer brands, not only these three, are claiming that their taste is fresh, cool, mellow, etc. However, different person has different taste, so it is hard to calculate which beer has the highest quality on the taste. To solve this problem, most of the big beer brands, such as Carlsberg and Heineken, have different tastes to satisfy different consumers.

For this element, I really appreciate 1664. Based on the France made, 1664 has built a romantic and relax brand image with the blue, white and red color and slogan of "Kronenbourg 1664 invites you to celebrate the French art of pleasure".

Comparing with Carlsberg, Heineken and other beer brands in the market, 1664 illustrate a totally different emotion to their customers. When the other competitors are focus on the passion and entertainment, 1664 makes us feel the traditional French romantic, which works quite well in their target market- France.

All of the three brands and most of the other beer brands choose green bottles as their packaging.

Green makes us think about fresh, living and healthy life, even for some person, green means passion- football. All of these associates are using in their marketing strategies, such as sponsor the football games.

Social Esteem
For the social esteem, most of the beer brands are having some close strategies- passion, enjoyable and happiness. They want to have a brand image that they can accompany you when you are having entertainment. Even though, 1664 has a different image- traditional French romantic, the social esteem for 1664 is also close to all the other brands.

Emotional Bond
Having a great consistency with the social esteem, most of the beer brands are linked with the emotion of passion, enjoyable and happiness. However, the little difference between 1664 and Carlsberg + Heineken, the French romantic of 1664 makes the consumers link it with lover and family more than the friends who are sharing a football game with you, which is for most of other beer brands.

Written by ZHANG Daodao

The conclusion of Brand BMS will be like this

Added by Shuohan MA

