
Media of Heineken and 1664

Media: Facebook  
1664, for the number of fans, it has more than 90000 fans. 1664 uses “simply” designs and focus on their authenticity. They update the news everyday and communicate with customers and fans. Such as asking what kinds of beer the fans prefer to. They also introduce to customers what kinds of beers can be drunk with a certain food. They focus on a real way of life, giving advice and recipes, so many fans keep on paying attention on its main page.

Heineken, more than 180000 fans now, they uses colorful images to attract fans in its page. They have many interactive among the fans and release news about their products,games and so on. They give advice about how to enjoy beers, adding some ingredients in it. Their pages look young, dynamic, and fans can participate in designing the pages.


1664, it has about 55 followers, and it did not tweet since last year, and nearly no activity.

Heineken,  it tweet only a few times in one month, there are just some basic introduction in this pages, less information, less fans pay attention on it.


1664, it has no youtube channel, and has no advertisement on it.

Heineken, it has about more than 12000 subscribers and 41000000 viewers from the Youtube.

written by ZENG Lu

